We truly believe that you are a Sovereign Being and able to make a conscious choice if this journey is right for you and you are ready to commit to it fully.

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Order Details

Introducing "The Path of Grace: 3-Day Experiment" from the one of not knowing to the one of focus and determination through consciously aligned action.

  • Day 1. First chakra: Foundations
  • Day 2. Second chakra: Conscious co-creation
  • Day 3. Third chakra: Divine intervention of grace
  • Bonus: Reconciling the parts of ourselves


  • Three call recordings (each between 40-60min) with transmissions and light language activations
  • Suggested homework practices & integration steps for each day to take it even deeper
  • Bonus: Reconciling the parts of ourselves
  • Access to a course portal which will provide ways to comment and connect with other participants


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Copyright 2023-2024 ©Living from Divine, Anna Grant & Activations with JJ, LLC. Copyright images ©Living from Divine, Mica Blaise & Activations with JJ, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All materials, practices, concepts, and teachings are for your personal use only. They are not to be duplicated, paraphrased, renamed, repurposed, or used outside of this website as your own content in any way. If you would like to be certified to use these materials, principles, and practices, please contact Anna Grant to find out more about Certification training.