The Path of Grace

3-Day Experiment




For trailblazers, wayshowers, torchbearers, current and emerging sovereign conscious leaders, and 5D architects who are here to create a change and move humanity forward.

No matter where you are on your path right now as an embodied benevolent conscious leader, a wayshower, a 5D architect, or creator of a New Earth, there is no better time than now to walk the Path of Grace.

We are the ones who are creating the path for others and it’s time to say yes to the promise we made to ourselves before coming here.

Going beyond the myths that hold you back

  • I’m not ready yet
  • I don’t know how
  • Others are already doing what I do, so why even bother
  • I don’t feel safe to be seen
  • I don't trust myself with my power
  • My Vision is too big for me, where do I even start

It all comes down to a single decision:

Am I going for it?

You have been making it complicated for years and it doesn’t need to be.

The truth is that you don't need to be ready or have "all of your ducks in a row" to steward your life's work. It’s an evolution in unfolding, one self-loving step at a time.

Join Anna and JJ for this 3-Day Experiment to come closer

to walking your Destiny Path as you have ever been.


  • Three call recordings (each between 40-60 min) with transmissions and light language activations.
  • Suggested homework practices & integration steps for each day to take it even deeper.
  • Bonus: Reconciling the parts of ourselves foundational practices.
  • Access to a course portal which will provide ways to comment and connect with other participants.

What is included in this journey?

Day 1. First chakra


  • Coming back to your inner authority by meeting the living master within you
  • Accepting your Soul’s choice to come here and incarnate into a human form
  • Creating safety in your physical body to welcome more parts of yourself
  • Restoring the connection with Mother Gaia
Day 2. Second chakra

Conscious co-creation

  • Our sensibilities and wounds as the Temple gates to our biggest gifts
  • Clearing "crucifixion is not the only way to serve God" across all lifetimes, spaces, dimensions, and realities
  • Restoring the relationship with God, Life, as a benevolent source, and starting to trust in the goodness of Life again
  • Consciously co-creating with the Divine Mother of All Life
Day 3. Third chakra

Divine intervention of grace

  • Ascending and Descending Consciousness evolution
  • Resourcing our deeper wisdom, instead of looking for the authority outside of ourselves
  • Asking for divine intervention of grace

Reconciling the parts of ourselves

  • Foundational practices to start to reconcile the parts of yourself. Have been originally recorded for the Sacred Initiation Journey.


"The Sacred Initiation Journey sparked profound changes. Saying yes led to rapid inner growth. Now, I'm deeply connected to my Higher Self, embracing truth and Sovereign Divinity. Confidence surged, freeing my creativity.

The transformation catapulted me from fear to freedom, unleashing my power. JJ and Anna curated an unparalleled, divine space with unwavering support online. It's a rare, beautiful experience, a remembrance of true self and purpose."

Ali T.

"This journey has been life-changing. I learned so much about myself and authenticity—the contrast between inauthentic and authentic. Releasing what's not mine to hold, I connected with powerful beings like Isis, Hathor, and Green Tara, who supported my transformation.

Their guidance and new energies still enrich my life. Every experience, big or small, is cherished. Struggles revealed the importance of embracing feelings to release, create, and cocreate. I'll never take life for granted again. It's all beautiful and meant to be cherished."

Andrea A.

The transformation that I have undergone as a result of this course is truly priceless. It has instilled within me a deeper sense of knowing who I truly am and the true nature of our existence.

If you want to come away with a deeper knowing that you are infinite, eternal, and one with all of creation then I definitely recommend this journey.

It is not for the faint of heart. It requires discipline and strength to combat your own ego who will attempt to (at least initially) push back for it knows that it has to surrender to undergo this transformation. In the end it is definitely worth it and can transform your life.

Amy M.


Meet JJ

Multidimensional Light Language Channel of cosmic, elemental, and angelic aspects of Source

Soul Template Activation Guide at the individual and collective level, working in and through the Akasha

Divine Sophia Oracle helping souls to connect to their original soul blueprint

Meet Anna

Multidimensional Divine Channel & Spiritual Guide

Overlighting Presence for long-traveled souls to come back home to their inner union and communion

Highest Destiny Path Activator for trailblazers and way-showers on a path of benevolent leaders

Certified Sophia Circle Leader

Frequently asked questions

What is different and unique about this container?

The Path of Grace has been specifically designed to come back to the truth that we aren't meant to walk this path alone. That we have all the support, visible and invisible, seen and unseen. And it's time for us to ask for divine intervention of grace and start to co-create with the Divine Mother of All Life in alignment with Her deepest desire to prosper us in all ways.

Original transmissions were recorded live in February 2024.

Who is this for?

The Path of Grace is open to anyone willing to walk their destiny path as an embodied benevolent leader, a wayshower, a 5D architect, or a creator of a New Earth.

This is for those of you who know that you are here to be a blessing for yourself and humanity.

This is for those of you, who bring Visions, that don't exist yet, new ways of being, loving, living, doing, relating, creating, co-creating, and more.

How much time would I need to go through this journey?

This is a recorded, self-paced journey. You can go through the materials as it was designed in 3 days or take as much time as you need.

There are three calls (each between 40-60 min long). Integration steps and homework for each day can take between 15 min -one hour depending on how much in-depth you would like to go.

These transmissions and homework practice suggestions are to be used as embodiment practices for a longer term.

Would I have the support during this journey?

You will be able to receive ongoing support:

→ In the comments section underneath each transmission in the portal.

→ In the Q&A section, where you can ask your questions.

For technical questions, please, contact customer support.

What if I'm not familiar with the Divine Mother of All Life and all other beings we will be working with?

This is not required. Some of our previous participants were not familiar with or had little interaction with the Divine Mother of All Life, Isis, Hathor, Green Tara, Sophia Seraphim Dragons, Star Grandmothers, and other Beings of Light. As you progress and listen to these transmissions, you will start to recognize their energies and may even start to cultivate a direct relationship with them, if this is your desire.

What is the Refund Policy?

We don't offer refunds.

We truly believe that you are a Sovereign Being and able to make a conscious choice if you are ready to commit to this journey fully.

The Path of Grace is a life-changing, self-paced transformational journey designed to start to co-create with the Divine Mother of All Life and receive support, visible and invisible, seen and unseen.

There will be old patterns, emotions, and resistances coming up to be cleared to realign you with your True North. This is not an excuse to drop out but to bring it into the container to receive support.

There are no refunds for not participating.

If this journey is not for you, please, let us know within the first 48 hours after the purchase. You will be issued a credit to use on other programs of Living from Divine, Anna Grant, or Activations with JJ, JJ Brighton.

Receive Love Emails from our Heart to Yours and be the first one to know about upcoming Sacred Journeys.

Copyright 2023-2024 ©Living from Divine, Anna Grant & Activations with JJ, LLC. Copyright images ©Mica Blaise & Activations with JJ, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All materials, practices, concepts, and teachings are for your personal use only. They are not to be duplicated, paraphrased, renamed, repurposed, or used outside of this website as your own content in any way. If you would like to be certified to use these materials, principles, and practices, please contact Anna Grant to find out more about Certification training.